Relief Domestic Assistant

CareChoice is one of Ireland's leading provider of residential homes for the older person. At CareChoice Malahide Road we provide dedicated care, and a safe and welcoming home for all our Residents. Our ethos is to create a home from home for our clients, where they can live life to the full with support and respect, whilst enjoying building relationships with all our staff.We are currently recruiting for a relief ‘Domestic Assistant’. The purpose of this role is to cover sick, maternity, annual leave etc, in the departments of Catering, Laundry and Housekeeping This role requires flexibility and a can-do attitude. The duties for each of the departments is outlined below, full training will be provided. If you feel you are the right fit please send us through your CV.Catering Assistant – Responsibilities and DutiesCompliance with ‘HACCP’ guidelines as directed by the Head Chef ensuring all work practices are in line with regulationsServing food to our residents in a friendly, timely manner and clearing away after serviceEnsuring the food service areas, kitchenettes and dining rooms throughout the Nursing home are clean at all timesEnsuring the dishwasher and surrounding area is clean and used efficiencyRecording of temperatures in food service areas as directedChecking and recording incoming goods to verify quality and quantityCater for the food and beverage needs of the Nursing homeFood service at mealtimes for residents and other personnelEnsure all the equipment is cleaned to a high standard as directedEnsuring waste is to a minimumRotate where necessary to meet the catering demands of the role as directedLaundry Assistant – Responsibilities and DutiesDaily laundering and ironing of clothing within the nursing room.Sorting and labelling of residents clothing.Ensure linen is available for all departments as requested.Maintain cleanliness of the Laundry Room.Collection and correct disposable of domestic and clinical waste.Take receipt of stock and ensure safe storage.Ensure team members adhere to all Health and Safety Regulations.Cover housekeeping in the home when required.Carry out any other reasonable task set by management.Housekeeping Assistant – Responsibilities and DutiesDaily cleaning of the general areas and residents' rooms within the nursing home.Proper use and storage of cleaning equipment and cleaning solutions.Collection and correct disposable of domestic waste.Cleaning of spillages as they occur and proper use of wet signs.To collect trays, use of the dishwasher and maintain a clean and tidy kitchen in the unit.To wash up crockery, cutlery etc. as required.Set up of trays for meals.Ensure safe work practices are observed and the environment is safe at all times.The post will be rotational and flexible according to the needs of the nursing homeWhat we offer:Comprehensive induction trainingFree Garda VettingA rewarding working environment, with support from supervisors and managersTraining & Development opportunitiesEmployee Assistance Programme which offers advice and counselling services, for carers and their immediate familiesRefer a friend bonusJob Type: Permanent

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