Relief Contact Worker - Dublin

Respond is committed to equal employment and growing a diverse workforce. If you do not “tick every box” there are likely other valuable attributes and skills that you have, that would make you a great fit for the organisation. We welcome applications from people of all cultures, nationalities, genders and from anyone who has historically faced social exclusion. If you feel this role is for you, then please apply.Location: Homeless Services Dublin - Tallaght, Clontarf, Drumcondra, Santry & FirhouseReporting to: Service ManagerTerms: Relief Contract/ Nights & DaysJob Purpose: To ensure the efficient operation of the service while on duty and to provide support to the families living in the service.Core duties and responsibilities: To provide a range of support and interventions to families.Complete accurate written records and/or reports where appropriate.Update when appropriate the Pathway Accommodation & Support System (PASS).To maintain a safe and healthy living environment.Respond to all resident's safety and security-related incidents, ensuring correct service procedures are followed, record and report such incidents as appropriate.Adhere to professional boundaries and work in a professional manner at all times.Attend and participate in team meetings and continuous professional development.Ensure the environment is maintained to high standards at all times.The list of duties is not exhaustive and duties may vary from time to time.Person specification: Relevant experience in a social care setting.An understanding of the nature of homelessness and the needs of homeless families.First aid, ASIST, manual handling, fire warden and lone working certificates are advantageous.Working knowledge and understanding of Child Protection.The ability to treat service users in a non-judgmental and respectful manner.Adhere to professional boundaries and work in a professional manner at all times.Good oral and written communication skills.Strong interpersonal and teamwork skills.Highly motivated, reliable and flexible.Ability to demonstrate the skills required to work in the area of homelessness.Garda vetting will be conducted on an ongoing basis.CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS is Friday, November 1st 2024

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