Relief Community Support Worker/Care Assistant

We are currently seeking applications for the position of Relief Community Support Worker across our day service and residential homes.The successful candidate will support the Team Leader and Day Services Manager in the following:Ensuring the physical and emotional well-being, as well as the personal hygiene, of people with intellectual disabilities as assigned by the Unit Team Leader.Supporting service users and residents in living in the community, choice and control, social and civic participation, personal relationships, education and personal development, etcMinimum RequirementsMinimum of QQI (Fetac) Level 5 in Healthcare Support – Major Award or similar or currently undertaking (minimum Year 2) or hold a BA in Applied Social Studies or similar Be eligible to work in IrelandRemuneration:The successful candidate will be appointed on the Care Assistant HSE Consolidated Payscale (Sept 2008), (€14.88 – €20.66 per hour DOE)Selection will involve short-listing of applicants for interviews based on the information provided on the application form. The short-listing selection criteria are based on the requirements of the job as outlined in each job advertisement.Reach Ability are equal opportunities employers.Why Work for Us?Reach Ability offer a range of benefits to staff including the following:Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)Penny Bank, Christmas Savings SchemeExcellent rate of pay with premium rates for Sundays, Public Holidays and waking night shiftsFree Garda VettingComprehensive induction training and continued in-house training/ professional developmentEducation Assistance24 days annual leave (pro-rata)Defined contribution pension schemePaid sick leavePaid Maternity/Paternity Leave (minimum service period applies)Opportunities for career progressionEmployee discounts in our sister companyGroup Health Insurance SchemeCycle to Work SchemeThe above list is non-exhaustive and may be subject to eligibility / conditions

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