Relief Care Assistant - Northern Trust

Join our team as a Care Assistant in the Northern Trust No prior experience? No problem! We provide accredited training alongside ongoing development opportunities to help you thrive in this rewarding role. As a Care Assistant, you will be responsible for providing essential support to individuals who require assistance with daily tasks, personal care, and maintaining their independence.Weekends and Bank Holidays ONLY!Northern Trust areas: Ballymena, Newtownabbey, Carrick and Larne, Ballyclare Need to be available | 3 - 4 shifts per weekendMorning to tea shift | 6.45am to 5.30pmTeas and Beds | 3.30pm - 11pmEnhanced Rate of Pay: £15 per hourMain duties & responsibilities:To undertake personal care and daily living tasks as agreed with the service user, their family and the professionals involved with the individual service planTo develop and maintain professional working relationships with service users and work colleagues from a wide variety of backgroundsTo communicate regularly with the immediate supervisor, in particular regarding changes in the service user’s condition or circumstancesTo complete documentation, including service user records and timesheetsTo comply with all Health and Safety Policies and ProceduresTo participate in supervision, staff meetings and training activities as requiredTo undertake any other reasonable duties as required.Essential criteria:You must be a driver with access to a carMust be able to work 3-4 shifts per weekend and bank holidays as per business requirementsBe prepared to travel within designated trust area.Desirable criteria:6 months experience in formal care settingNVQ level 2 in care or equivalentNISCC registered or willing to undertake if successful.#ReliefCA

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