Registered Psychiatric Nurse

This is an exciting opportunity for an experienced Registered Psychiatric Nurse with Psychiatric experience, or Nurse registered with Dual Pins (Mental Health and General Nurse) to play an integral role in a committed multi-disciplinary team and make a significant contribution in the development of mental health rehabilitation.Work Location: Bloomfield Hospital, Stocking Lane, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16Hours of Work per week: 39 hoursMode of Working: Onsite About Bloomfield: Bloomfield Hospital provides treatment, care, and support to adults with severe and enduring mental health needs. We are the only facility in Ireland that also provides a high level of specialized care for people with Huntington’s disease.We are rooted in the principle of honoring the dignity of every person who comes through our doors. Responsibilities will include:Practice nursing following the professional code as laid down by An Bord Altranais/NMBI and the organisations policies and procedures.Ensure safe custody, accurate recording, and administration of drugs following established physical, psychological, sociocultural, spiritual and vocational needs of the patient/resident. Plan, implement, and evaluate individualized patient care programmes within the agreed framework for practice.Adapt a collaborative approach to patient care through the coordination of care and interventions provided by other members of the multi-disciplinary team.Participate in clinical induction, teaching, and education programmes for support staff.Maintain appropriate and accurate records regarding patient care.Follow appropriate rules of authority within the nurse management structure.Take management responsibility for the unit in the absence of the clinical nurse manager.Participate as a team member in all aspects of patient care and delegate work to team members as appropriate.Demonstrate a high degree of motivation and assume responsibility for professional self-development.Maintain good interpersonal relationships with patients, families, visitors, and staff.Act as an advocate for the patients and their families to ensure that they are appropriately informed and counseled regarding their care needs.Participate in the setting of professional standards, understand and cooperate with the need to measure and audit the effectiveness of care delivery.Co-operate in the rostering of nursing and support staff to ensure optimum use of nursing resources.The successful candidate will meet the following requirements:A Registered Psychiatric Nurse (with An Bord Altranais/NMBI or with eligibility to register).Possess post-registration nursing experience in adult mental health services/rehabilitation mental services services/community-based mental health services.Have established clinical experience in the area of mental health rehabilitation and serious and enduring mental health conditions.Possess the requisite knowledge and ability including a high standard of suitability and clinical, managerial, and administrative competencies.Possess a strong knowledge of the Mental Health Commission requirements.Energetic individual with clinical experience in working with a team of diverse clinicians and strong knowledge of the concepts and operation of clinical governance.Ability to lead, teach, manage, participate, and play a key role in the practice education of student nurses and healthcare staff and promote and engage in the teaching/training/support of others as appropriate.Have a good knowledge and experience of health, safety, and other statutory regulations affecting a healthcare organization.Demonstrate evidence of continuing professional development.Our benefits include:Fixed roster patternsGenerous healthcare staff shift premiums (25% night duty, double time Sundays and bank holidays)Contributory pensionCareer developmentComprehensive training programmesFurther education supportsOn-site library and research facilityEmployee Well-being programmeEmployee Assistance ProgrammeFree onsite staff parkingSubsidized onsite restaurantCycle to work schemeFor further information please contact a member of our HR Team at 01-4950021 or email

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