Registered Manager

We require an experienced Registered Manager for the Kent Area.  JCM prides itself in delivering high quality complex and specialist service in both Nursing, Social Care and Health Care Services to adult and children’s in their own homes. We have been providing a safe and responsive service for over 11 years, we work in partnership with the NHS, CCG, Local Authority and Private Sector both in London and Scotland. We work closely with our patients and their families to identify and understand their specific needs and how best to meet these fully. Our vision is to see Health and Social Care work force becoming professionalised in the near future and be the most trusted and highly regarded provider in our sector.We are looking a Registered Manager who will share our vision and commitment to take the Home care service to an “outstanding” within two years The candidate is expected to help implement a warm, supportive, and Quality atmosphere that rewards, stimulates people to develop to their full potential. The candidate is required to increase the base of private clients and manage the contracts. The candidate will be expected to promote and uphold high quality standards through leadership, participation and delegation of tasks. And to also demonstrate a clear respect for individual’s rights and reinforce this value at every opportunity. The successful candidate will be directly accountable to CQC and must have a working knowledge of the law and regulations associated with the Registered Manager position. Qualifications and Skills ·        The candidate will have either have a management qualification at NVQ Level 4 in Health and Social Care or higher together with a minimum of two years management experience in a health care related role·        Be reliable, compassionate, honest and kind·        Driving license is an advantage but not required·        Clear DBS BenefitsOur Registered Manager enjoy the following benefits:• Comprehensive Induction training• Supportive Team and Management• Various Employee Perks, online GP• Recommend a friend incentive• Sick pay, Annual Leave, SMP and Paternity Pay• 28 days annual leave a year (inclusive of Bank Holidays), rising with service• Cycle to work scheme• Career progression • Training Opportunities up to QCF level 5 in Health and Social Care, Leadership and Management • Staff recognition award• Well-being and counselling services• Annual Travel scheme• Shopping discounts• Cinema discounts• Annual Salary Review • Performance related pay • Company Pension• Competitive Salary

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