Registered Manager

We CareLooking for an Experienced Care Leader to Join Our Team! If you're an experienced care leader with a passion for delivering exceptional care, we want you! Specifically, we are seeking someone who has experience in providing great care and support to children with learning disabilities. If this sounds like you, we'd love to have you join our incredible team!Our ideal candidate is a Registered Manager with a background in managing a home for children with learning disabilities. We are looking for a person who has a proven track record of delivering excellent care, with an Ofsted rating of either "Good" or "Outstanding". This position is based in Wigan. ·       Salary of up to £47,250 – dependent upon experience, and meeting certain criteria·       All meals and refreshments provided whilst at work·       Simply Health cashback scheme (includes dental/optical/physiotherapy/health and wellbeing support)·       Care Friends employee referral & reward scheme·       Bright Stars bonus payments·       Pension Scheme entitlement  We Are a Safe Pair Of HandsBright Futures Care is a specialist organisation supporting children and young adults with autism and learning difficulties, inclusive of complex communication, sensory, and behavioural support needs.  We provide a great quality of care and education, in high-specification environments, with a highly motivated and skilled staff team within our tailored needs-led settings.  We Work TogetherWe are looking for someone who is confident in managing the day-to-day operations of the home, and managing your hours to meet the business needs. You will be someone your team looks to for support and leadership to help deliver positive outcomes for the young people in your care. You should hold a Level 5 Diploma qualification in Leadership in Health & Social Care, or the willingness to work towards it. Have NVQ 3 in Health & Social Care or equivalent. It is essential you hold a full UK driving Licence.  We Learn & Grow·       Market leading training·       Adaptable & Continually Evolving Staffing·       Structure·       Personalised Career Development·       Progression Opportunities If this sounds like the job for you …. we would love to hear from you!#INDNONCARE

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