Regional Account Manager

Regional Account Manager Northern based (Leeds a preference but flexible)Permanent, full timeOTE £90,000  About the role: We don’t need to tell you that you will achieve or exceed KPI’s that are set around revenue, margin and contract wins as you will be a professional who already knows this and will a familiar territory for you! It will be second nature for you to win work whilst securing sustainable/repeat contracts in PPM (I am not going to spell out what that means as you will know this!)  You will see the bigger picture and work collaboratively with your clients telling them all about our fantastic range of products to help them achieve their mission, alongside showcasing your planning skills where you can show off your projected forecast of sales activity/revenue alongside customer visits. Being an industry expert and leading the way to win new customers by researching key business sectors, using relevant data, tools and testimonials, you will be a water guru!  About you:Knowledge and a good technical appreciation of the water and wastewater industry.A technical service offering background in a commercial role.Ability to report and forecast accurately.Ability to develop and deliver presentations of a high professional standard.Ability to create, compose, and edit written sales proposals and materials. About us: Detectronic is a UK specialist in Wastewater Network monitoring, providing the most cost effective and technologically advanced flow and level monitoring systems in use today, enabling customers across the water sector to prevent pollutions through the provision of asset intelligence.   Detectronic designs and manufactures its own range of patented products and provides data management services through its dedicated data centre. It does this via the installation, repair and maintenance of its product lines which include a range of flow and level monitoring devices.   Detectronic is an Adler & Allan group company. From its headquarters in Colne, Burnley, Detectronic now serves a significant proportion of the UK’s water industry and has thousands of asset installations at various stages within the asset lifecycle across the UK. The businesses reach continues to expand, and the senior leadership team have exciting growth plans for domestic and international markets.

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