Recruitment Coordinator

Who we are: Part of the DCC Group, Flogas Ireland was established in 1978 supplying Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) throughout the island and to this day remains one of the leading suppliers in Ireland, servicing a diverse range of market sectors, including commercial, agricultural, and domestic. Over the years, Flogas has evolved and grown as an Energy business, and with the acquisition of Budget Energy, based in Derry, and Flogas Enterprise Solutions, (formally known as Naturgy) we are now also a leading supplier of Natural Gas and Electricity, as well as Renewables, including Corporate Power Purchase Agreements, and energy services in both residential and commercial markets across the island of Ireland. We have an esteemed reputation within the Energy Industry and have been awarded the NSAI Quality System Certificate from the I.S. EN ISO 9001 SeriesAs a Flogas Group, we are now driving our growth strategy to achieve our vision of being Irelands leading provider of total energy solutions, meeting our customers changing needs and delivering to the highest possible standard.Why work with us? Flogas is a well-established business within the DCC group and is continuing to grow, becoming a top provider in the energy sector, making it a very exciting time to be part of the Flogas Group. We offer a warm and welcoming environment, valuing our people and their input into the business. We encourage a collaborative workplace, where everyone feels included and heard. Benefits: Competitive Salary Defined Pension Contribution Healthcare allowance  Staff discounts Hybrid work options (role dependant) Health and Wellbeing Supports Learning and Development opportunities Career Advancement is important to us in Flogas. All our roles are advertised internally, and we encourage internal progression right across the business.  About the role: We are currently seeking a recruitment administrator to join our HR Team on a full-time, permanent basis. Reporting to the Talent Acquisition Specialist (TAS), this person will provide day-to-day support in talent management operations, assisting with all administrative duties. As a result of our business growth, this is a newly created position and is essential to ensure we maintain a high-quality talent function.  Key Responsibilities: Advertise all vacancies on our internal and external job boards. Support the TAS in the shortlisting procedure by screening all applications against agreed selection criteria. Confirm shortlists with the TAS to set up interviews and issue relevant correspondence to candidates. Coordinate interview schedules with hiring managers, ensuring calendars are fully up to date and meeting rooms are confirmed.  Work alongside the HR Team to ensure a seamless transition from recruitment to onboarding of new starters. Assist in reference checking as required. Actively contribute to our organisation’s commitment to diversity and inclusion by implementing strategies that attract a wide range of candidatesMaintain applicant tracking system workflow to assist with recruitment reporting.  Assist the TAS with drafting job specifications as required.Sort and respond to incoming recruitment queries. Attend Career Fairs and Open days throughout the calendar year.   Candidate Profile: Candidates applying, should have 1-2 years of experience working in administration. This role will suit someone who enjoys working in a fast-paced dynamic environment with the ability to work on their own initiative and as part of a wider HR team. Both written and verbal communication skills are essential in this role and will suit someone who enjoys working with people. As this role is administration focused, organisation and attention to detail are needed, along with proficiency in Microsoft office.  Flogas is an equal opportunity employer. We encourage diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees. 

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