
We are currently seeking an experience individual to join the Reception Team at Cliff House Hotel. The Ideal candidate will have a friendly, outgoing personality and display excellent customer service skills, have fluent English and a very high standard of personal presentation. Other key personal requirements;Strong focus on providing consistently high standards.Proficient with Front and Back office systems essential - Hotsoft a distinct advantage.Flexible with working hours to include evening and weekend shifts.Ability to work under pressure and strong leadership skills.Previous experience in a 4/5* hotel.Responsibilities:Meeting and greeting guests in a warm personal and friendly manner.Providing excellent customer service at all times and dealing with all calls & emails efficiently.Liaising with all managers on any issues and concerns.Dealing with requests, queries and suggestions and resolving guest complaints, quickly and efficiently.Taking reservations correctly and noting any special requests.Promoting and selling the hotel's facilities at all times.Ensuring billing is correctly carried out to the hotel standards.Providing support and coaching to team members in maintaining standardsAdhering to all hotel policies including customer care, health & safety, fire safety, security etc.

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