
The Sheraton Athlone Hotel, a proud member of the Hodson Bay Group, is seeking a passionate and dedicated Hotel Receptionist to join our dynamic team. If you have a flair for exceptional customer service and a desire to create unforgettable experiences for our guests, we'd love to hear from you! Previous hotel receptionist experience is highly desirable.Key Responsibilities:Proactively anticipate guests' needs to deliver exceptional service and satisfaction.Support and enhance the Front Office Team's daily operations, ensuring seamless organization and efficiency.Provide top-notch customer service while maximizing booking opportunities through excellent people skills, product knowledge, and sales expertise.Uphold the highest standards of guest service in the hotel at all times.Requirements:Experience in a similar role within a hotel environment is desirable.Familiarity with Front Office Systems, ideally Opera.Excellent written and spoken English.Proven ability to work effectively in a team setting.Outstanding customer service and interpersonal skills.Benefits:️Free meals on dutyComplimentary access to the leisure centreDiscounted stays at Hodson Bay Group hotelsExplore Rate Discounts at over 8,700 Marriott International properties in 139 countries worldwideTraining and development opportunitiesFree parking when rosteredRefer a Friend SchemeTake the next step in your hospitality career and join the Sheraton Athlone Hotel team, where we're committed to creating memorable experiences for our guests and fostering growth for our employees. Apply today!Please Note: Due to the volume of applications only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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