
  We are currently recruiting for Front Office/Reception Staff to join our very successful team. We are passionate about exceeding our guests’ expectations and are extremely customer focused and passionate about delivering a superior experience for our guests.  Requirements for Front Office/Reception Staff  · Effective Team Player· Previous experience within hotel essentialprevious experience using room master systems an advantage· Be available to work flexible rota including weekends· Ability to multitask· Excellent attention to detail Responsibilities for Front Office/Reception Staff· Greet all guests on arrival in a warm friendly manner· Communicate our services and facilities to our guests· Checking in/out guest bedrooms· Daily cashing and Balancing of Tills · Manage any complaints in professional manner· Carry out any handover briefings· Coordinate with all relevant departments Benefits for Front Office/Reception Staff· Competitive salary·professional yet friendly working environment· Discounted stays for hotels· Staff Meals· Internal career development opportunities· Excellent training and development plan

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