
Cliff at Lyons, in the beautiful Kildare countryside, is a complete destination featuring stunning accommodation, great event and meeting facilities, a Spa and Wellness Centre, all situated around our two food outlets. We are driven by a desire to create wonderful food, and wonderful experiences, inspired by the gardens and grounds of the estate, and the wonderful seasonal produce of Ireland.Our luxury accommodation is situated across a variety of cottages, apartments and suites around the estate. As part of our ongoing pursuit of excellence, we are currently looking for a Receptionist If this interest you, please get in touch… Requirements:·        Ideally 1+ years’ experience but training will be provided·        Excellent written & spoken English Key Duties and Responsibilities:·        Meeting & greeting guests in a warm and friendly manner·        Front office tasks, e.g. check ins/outs, answering calls/emails, balancing cash at the end of a shift, etc.·        Promoting and selling the hotel's facilities at all times Skills:·     Proficiency with Front Office Systems·     Work under pressure and as part of a team·     Track record of accuracy & attention to detail Benefits:·        Competitive salary·        Excellent work environment·        Meals on duty Did you know?The hotel is not serviced by public transport, so applicants must be able to drive

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