Reception Supervisor

Talbot Hotel Stillorgan, part of the Talbot Collection, are currently recruiting for an experienced Full-time Front Office Supervisor.To provide a friendly and efficient service within the Reception Department. To deliver exceptional friendly service at all times, to every guest, in line with the Talbot Collection ‘Empower Your Excellence’ customer service program. To be respectful, polite, friendly, and unfailingly helpful in all your dealings with guests and colleagues alike, recognising that you are an ‘ambassador’ of the Talbot Collection at all times.Overall Job PurposeTo maintain the smooth and efficient running of Reception ensuring that all guests both on the phone and in person are treated to a 4 Star service accepted by the company in line with the company’s “Empower Your Excellence” customer service programme. To actively promote all aspects of the Hotel. To communicate with guests and clients and ensure that all requirements and requests are carried out to Company standards.         Role Specific Duties:To ensure smooth operation of the shift, ensuring all company standards are met.Responsible for the correct handling and charging of all daily business accounts.To have total product knowledge of all the Hotel services and facilities.To action all enquiries, taken by telephone or in person, promptly and maintain a high standard of customer service whilst doing so.To answer the switchboard in a warm and friendly manner and to take messages when required.To liaise with housekeeping with reference to the allocation of rooms.To ensure that all floats are maintained to the appropriate levels.To make reservations when required and to maximise room revenue at peak times and offer best rates possible at low times and up-sell where possible.Assist in efficiently and effectively controlling front office departmental operations.Work with the management team to ensure strong morale amongst the team at all times.To monitor all front office cash transactions, float and till procedures and to ensure that procedures are carried out in accordance with Company policy.To ensure that the front desk is adequately staffed at all times and to anticipate the need for additional cover particularly during busy periods.To familiarise departmental staff with sales and promotional principles and to promote all outlets in the hotel.To communicate and liaise with the Accommodation Manager/Supervisor in relation to rooms status, VIP’s and allocations.To carry out our customer relations policy ensuring that we maintain 4 Star standards at all times The ideal candidate will have previous experience preferably gained within a hotel environment and possess excellent communication and organizational skills with the ability to work on your own initiative. Proficient computer skills are required. Knowledge of Hotsoft Reservations System would be an advantage.Some of the benefits of joining the team at Talbot Hotel Stillorgan-         Free parking-         Complimentary TalbotFit Membership-         Staff Meals-         Contributory company pension scheme. (12 months service requirement)-         Company Life Insurance Scheme-         Employee Assistance Programme-         Talbot Collection Friends and Family Rates-         Training and Development Opportunities - we invest in our people-         Being part of a progressive & growing company  **Talbot Hotel Stillorgan, part of the Talbot Collection is an equal opportunities employer**

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