Reception / Front of House Manager

Are you looking to be part of a purpose driven company? Dental Tech Group is a multi-award winning, and certified Great Place to Work who improve the quality of life of our population by helping people to eat, speak and smile with confidence and we are looking to add an efficient, well rounded person to our team. This role is for an experienced Lead Receptionist/Front of House to manage the reception and associated administration duties to ensure the smooth running of our Terenure clinic as well as assisting with our other locations from time to time. This is a superb opportunity for someone looking for the right candidate looking to work with a growing team.Duties includeCreating and Overseeing the schedules for our clinics and booking patients across the departments to ensure a tight scheduleManaging our patient booking system and improving attendanceOrganising and managing the incoming and outgoing lab work for patients to ensure efficiency and smooth delivery of care to our clientsReception/administration duties including phone answering, patient set up, ensuring the reception and all patient areas are clean and up to standard for our patients at all times, rebooking patients, managing payments and other duties associated with the receptionOffering all of our new and existing patients a 5 star service.Ensuring that all patients receive a genuine, warm, friendly and courteous welcome on arrival and throughout their stay.Managing incoming calls (External and Internal) from multiple linesResponding to all queries and requests in an appropriate and timely manner.Following proper opening and closing procedures for each shiftWorking closely with our nursing home and patient CRMs Personal RequirementsThe successful candidateWill have experience in the dental industry and have a strong understanding of dental and denture appointmentsWill have a strong focus on providing consistently high standards of customer service, administration and team-workMust be highly efficient and organisedSelf Starter/Superior Customer Service.Must have very confident communication mannerMust have the ability to multi-task in fast-paced environmentPrevious experience in a service industry such as dental/medical or pharma is essentialA working knowledge of Microsoft Applications (word and excel) and Outlook systems is a necessity.Experience with appointment booking systems would be a distinct advantage. Benefits of working with us:Attractive terms and salaryFull Time Position Monday to Friday – excellent work/life balanceFinancially supported trainingDevelopment and Progression OpportunitiesClinical support & guidanceModern practice and State of the art digital equipmentUniform providedAmazing Team Culture (award winning as nominated by our own team)

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