RCV Driver Galway

Role Summary:We are looking for Bin Collection Operatives to join our waste and recycling collection services. We are seeking customer focused individuals to collect waste and recycling on our Domestic and Commercial routes.Bin Collector Operative Responsibilities:Collecting and emptying refuse bins and bags in a safe manner and assisting the driver in carrying out their roleBe compliant with health, safety, smoking regulations and environmental requirements, including ensuring safety wear is worn at all timesAssist driver in carrying out required vehicle checks as required on daily or weekly basis in accordance with company policyAssist driver in maintaining vehicle cleanliness, inside and outAssist driver in navigating difficult locations or driving conditionsCommunicate courteously with customers and relay information that could potentially improve customer service or route optimisation to the relevant supervisorEnsure customer sites are not littered in any way and ensure spillages or debris are cleared awayMaintain written and electronic records where required e.g. service dockets, worksheets, timesheets etc.Ensure that customer bins and property are treated with respect, and that the bin is returned to where it was removed fromSkills and Experience required:Flexibility with regard to working varying shifts in line with business needsGood Communication SkillsExcellent Customer Service SkillsA valid Drivers LicenseA valid Safe Pass Card is an advantageTerms:Hours: shift start times vary between 4 a.m. and 8 a.m. and finish times very between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m.Required to work Saturdays and Public holidays on occasion3 month fixed term contract

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