Rapid Response Care Assistant - Mid Ulster

Join our team as a Rapid Response in Mid Ulster. In this role, you'll have the invaluable opportunity to work directly with our service users who have recently been discharged from hospital, providing crucial support during their rehabilitation and recovery journey. You'll empower individuals to regain their independence and confidence within the familiar surroundings of their own home. Your dedication will not only enhance their quality of life but also contribute to the efficient use of healthcare resources.Your role as a caregiver goes beyond physical support; it's about providing emotional reassurance and fostering a sense of security during what can be a challenging time for our service users and their families. Together, we'll make a difference by ensuring individuals receive the care they need in a compassionate and dignified manner, right where they belong – at home.This role will require travel between Magherafelt, Cookstown and surrounding areas.WHY CHOOSE US:Pioneering Homecare Revolution: Join a team at the forefront of the homecare revolution, shaping the future of homecare in Northern Ireland.Community Impact: Be a vital part of our commitment to making a profound impact on the lives of individuals across Northern Ireland. Your role goes beyond caregiving; it's about fostering independence and dignity within the comfort of their own homes.Dedication to Excellence: As one of the leading homecare companies in Northern Ireland, we are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of care.YOUR ROLE AS A RAPID RESPONSE CARE ASSISTANT:Daily Impact: Your role isn't just a job – it's an opportunity to positively influence someone's life every day. Your compassion and dedication will empower individuals to lead fulfilling lives at home.Essential Connection: For many of our clients, you may be the sole person they interact with. Your presence and care are not just essential; they're a lifeline.Dynamic Team: Join a dynamic team enhancing the quality of life for individuals and communities throughout Northern Ireland.WHAT WE’RE LOOKING FOR:Compassion: A genuine passion for making a positive impact on the lives of others.Dedication: Commitment to providing vital support and care to those who need it most.Team Spirit: A desire to be part of a dynamic team that values collaboration and excellence.WHAT YOU’LL GAIN:Professional Growth: Opportunities for professional development and advancement within a rapidly expanding company.Fulfillment: Experience the satisfaction of knowing your work directly contributes to the well-being of others.Community: Join a supportive community of like-minded professionals who share your dedication to making a real difference.Pay Rate: Monday to Friday - pay is £10.42 per hour + Mileage allowance | Saturday and Sunday - pay is £11.06 per hour + Mileage allowance BENEFITS·      £200 Sign on Bonus·      £200 Refer a Friend·      Cycle to Work Scheme·      Local business discounts·      Gym membership discount·      Bluelight Card Scheme·      Training & development opportunities·      Staff Awards and Recognition Program KEY DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES·      Supporting our clients with their personal hygiene (washing, dressing, toileting, etc.),·      Preparing our clients meals,·      Prompting our clients with their medication,·      Supporting our clients with their daily routines,·      Recording and reporting in our clients care plans / daily record sheets,·      To participate in the on-call phone on working weekend as required and to cover this task in the absence of Area Manager.To undertake any other reasonable duties as required* ESSENTIAL CRITERIA:·      A minimum of 6 months care experience·      A driver with access to their own vehicle·      Flexible to work alternate weekends ABOUT USAt Connected Health, we don't just offer a job – we offer careers that are at the forefront of transforming the way homecare is delivered across Northern Ireland and Ireland. We recognise that the individuals we employ are pivotal to driving this transformation within the sector. That's why, at Connected Health, our mission is unwavering: to continually attract, recruit, and develop the finest homecare team.#NW

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