Radiology/Cardiology Site Lead (Hermitage Clinic)

Title:                          Radiology/Cardiology Site Lead (Hermitage Clinic)Programme:              Blackrock Health Group EHR Implementation ProgrammeReports to:                Imaging and Document Management (IDM) Expanse Team LeadLocation:                   Hermitage Clinic(specified purpose contract for the duration of the project)The Blackrock Health Group is embarking on a large-scale EHR (Electronic Health Record) programme to implement Meditech’s advanced EHR system across all institutions in the group.The Group is looking to hire a Radiology/Cardiology Site Lead for Hermitage Clinic. This position is based in Hermitage Clinic.The successful candidate will form part of the team required for the successful delivery of the Imaging and Document Management application which covers the following main areas of Radiology, Cardiology and Endoscopy.Responsibilities include:·      Participation in all relevant Site Lead duties for relevant departments, as directed by the Team Lead. These duties will include:o  Clarifying the current systems, workflows and processes in place for the Hermitage Clinic. This will be done in collaboration with others.o  Participation in Blackrock Health Steering Committee forums, while ensuring related content and workflows are aligned with program objectives and guiding principles.o  Building trusting relationships with key stakeholders in the Blackrock Health Groupo  Participate in communications planning and executiono  Participate in change control and escalation processeso  Participate in risk identification, management and escalation processeso  Participate in vendor check-ins e.g. liaising with counterparts in Meditech as neededo  Participate in the build, testing and rollout of the new Meditech prototype to all institutions in the Blackrock Health groupo  Participate in the development of training materials for end-user trainingo  Participate in the delivery of end-user trainingo  Participate in all necessary programme and cross-functional workstreams as neededo  Liaise with 3rd party vendors, interfacing and tech teams related to the cardiology/radiology applicationo  Liaise with the BI (business intelligence)/Data team for the provision of critical reports required for initial implementation in Hermitage Clinico  Work to promote best practice within the relevant department and in line with the requirements of hospital accreditation (e.g. JCI etc.)o  Contribute to the downtime solution to ensure procedures are in place for both planned and unplanned downtimeso  Status reporting to the application Team Lead·      Involvement in other key EHR events in collaboration with the application Team Lead and other project teams including:o  Communication events and feedback forumso  Standardisation workshopso  Validation exercises and workshopso  Parallel runso  End-user trainingo  Transition planning and controlNote: responsibilities on the programme may change/vary depending on the needs of the programme at any stage. Some aspects of this role will not be exclusive to the Hermitage clinic, for example, the successful candidate would also participate in the go live across all sites.Required experiences and skillsets:The ideal candidate will have a strong background working within the hospital in one of the areas such as radiology, cardiology, endoscopy, in terms of the systems that are used, workflows and processes, as well as a good understanding of the cross-functional workflows. Previous work on projects or systems within the radiology and/or cardiology setting an advantage.Required·      Experience working in clinical areas of Radiology and/or Cardiology and/or Endoscopy and knowledge of the intricacies of the workflow and processes currently in place·      Experience working on relevant clinical systems (for example, PACS, CVIS, CRIS etc.)·      Experience working with multi-disciplinary teams·      Ability to forge strong working relationships, and to build trusting relationships, with key programme and organisational stakeholders·      Highly organised with strong time management·      Effective communication skills·      Strong analytical and problem-solving skills·      Ability to work under pressure and to tight deadlinesQualifications·      Clinical Degree (In a relevant field e.g. Radiology or Cardiology) or several years’ experience supporting the current clinical systems (for example, PACS, CVIS, CRIS etc.)·      3rd level qualification in Health Informatics or related field (desirable)

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