Scheduling Administrator (Radiology Department)

Applications are invited for a Scheduling Administrator for Mater Private Network.The Mater Private is seeking to recruit permanent full time Administrator to join our busy multi-disciplinary team in delivering high quality, personalised customer service to patients.The role is to provide an excellent patient experience while supporting our clinical staff in the delivery of quality medical care to our patients. The successful candidate will primarily work in our Scheduling Team and will support all aspects of administration throughout the journey of the patient; using our technology systems to enhance the service we provide to patients.The Department operates flexible working hours. The shift patterns are between 8am -6pm, depending on the departmental need, Monday to Saturday.Experience in a hospital environment is desirable but not essential.This post will suit an experienced, self-motivated and committed administrator.Essential Educational/Professional Qualifications/Skills:· Strong PC skills including MS Office suite· Good understanding of GDPR and confidentiality· Good organisational skills with a proven ability to multitask· Effective telephone technique with strong listening skills· Strong problem solving and analysis skills· Ability to form customer relationships and deliver excellent customer care· Medical typing would be an advantage but not essentialTHE MATER PRIVATE IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES EMPLOYER

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