Allied Health Administrator, Full/Part time hours

Vacancies are available at Blackrock Health, Galway Clinic for Allied Health Administrators. Permanent and contract roles subject to further extension, are available. Roles at 37 hours per week are available and also part time weekend hours available.The Role:Setting up patient accounts, pre-registering and registering patientsManagement of appointmentsPrioritise calls, take messages and screen callsDeal with ad-hoc patient requestsReception of patientsPrepare and Maintain confidential records of patients using MeditechTranscribe/File/Organise patient files for clinicsAssist with referrals and insurance verificationsCo-ordinate Billing, Processing Monitoring of patient charges and Issue of receiptsInterface with referring physicians /other referring agentsMaintain e-mail/catalogue distribution listsGeneral clerical/administrative rolesMonitor and maintain department stock/consumables and suppliesOrganise work station and assist therapists in maintaining clinic in an orderly stateAssist in other Administrative departments’ duties as requiredDaily transactions of handling money The Candidate:Previous experience in a similar role and database entry – highly desirableStrong communication and organizational skillsFlexibility and a willingness to respond to the demands of the organizationAbility to multi-task and prioritise effectivelyStrong computer skills The Galway Clinic is an equal opportunities employer

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