Radiation Therapist

Radiation Therapist  The Mater Private Network are actively recruiting Radiation Therapists of all grades and experience to join our growing team based in the Mater Private Dublin. These posts will be permanent working on a full-time basis. Requirements Include:BSc in Radiation TherapyCORU registered/eligible. Excellent Time Management skillsExcellent Communication & People skillsAbility to work as part of team.Awareness/sensitivity towards patient needs and clinical service delivery.About UsWe take great pride in ensuring that our patients have access to the latest technologies and world-class expertise. Radiation Oncology at the Mater Private, Dublin provides the most comprehensive, state-of-the-art radiation including stereotactic radiation, IMRT, high dose rate and low dose rate brachytherapy. We were the first private hospital in Ireland to offer high dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy treatment, the first private hospital to offer Fiducial placements and Space OAR Vue™ as standard of care to gentleman undergoing prostate radiation and have recently implemented Exactrac Dynamic™ technology from Brainlab ™   Job Descriptions available on request  Closing date is COB on the 17th February  MATER PRIVATE NETWORK IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES EMPLOYER

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