Radiation Therapist

Overview of Role  We are currently recruiting a Radiation Therapist, both Senior and Junior Radiation Therapist applications are invited to apply.Competitive benefit offered. An attractive relocation package, flexibility, and excellent opportunity to use advanced technologies, research, and education support, offered to successful candidates.  Duties & Responsibilities   Radiation TherapistReports to: Lead Clinical Specialist and Operations ManagerMaintains an atmosphere of caring, concern, and support for patients of all ages, visitors, medical staff, and co-workers on a consistent basis.Delivers radiation treatment according to the written prescription and treatment plan. Provides safety in patient care through the consistent practice of departmental procedures for treatment administration. Recognises deviation from the prescribed treatment delivery and reports all deviations to the clinical specialist, lead therapist, and physicist.Assures the quality of treatment delivery through the complete and accurate documentation of treatment records.Assures the quality and consistency of treatment portal placement by taking and reviewing electronic portal images according to departmental procedures. Adjusts treatment fields as indicated.Explains treatment procedures to patient and/or family. Refers medical questions to appropriate personnel.Under the direction of a radiation oncologist, takes localisation radiographs according to planned treatment delivery. Administration of contrast agents used during treatment localisation.Assists in the orientation and supervision of students during clinical rotations. Assists the clinical specialist and lead therapist in the evaluation of student performance.Assists as needed in all treatment-related procedures. Assists at other UPMC locations as needed.Uses effective communication techniques and interpersonal skills to provide explanations for treatment-related procedures. Responds effectively to patient concerns. Observes patients for expected and unexpected reactions to treatments and communicates this to appropriate staff members. Reinforces patient education and side effect management information and indicates non-compliance to medical and nursing staff.Performs and documents daily and weekly QA activity for assigned equipment. Documents findings outside the range established by the physics department. Notifies clinical specialist and lead therapist immediately of findings outside the normal range of operations. Participates in programmes to measure and improve the quality of care within the department. Assists and attends departmental QA functions.Attends multidisciplinary team meetings for coordination of patient care.Completes the daily treatment schedule. Maintains an accurate record of procedures, including billing information and codes.Maintains a safe, orderly treatment room.Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is supported.Qualifications & Experience  Completion of a formal radiation therapy technology program in an Irish, EU, or AMA-approved institution.CORU registration. Senior Radiation Therapist Reports to: Clinical Specialist Radiation Therapist/Lead Clinical SpecialistJob responsibilities as outlined above in addition toHelps the Lead CS and Clinical Specialists in the day to day running of treatment units and CT unit, ensuring the daily list is run as smoothly as possible.Helps train and supervise junior RT staff. Qualifications & Experience  Completion of a formal radiation therapy technology program in an Irish/EU/AMA-approved institution.  CORU Registration Must have at least 3 years relevant and appropriate post graduate Radiotherapy Experience.Promotion to senior level will be based on merit and may occur at any regular annual review session once adequate experience level has been reached.UPMC is an equal opportunity employer. We celebrate diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees.At UPMC we provide a total rewards program that is not only market competitive, but fair and provides growth opportunities for all our colleagues.Compensation – Competitive pay for the work employees do – base pay, performance related pay and premium pay where applicable.Benefits – Fully paid maternity and paternity leave for new parents. Competitive Pension Plan, company funded Death in Service Benefit x 3 times. Critical Illness cover for all employees up to the age of 66.Performance and Recognition – Rewards for performance that supports the goals and mission of UPMC through our annual ACES programme.Work-Life Balance – Enhanced annual leave up to a maximum of 27 days. Flexible working opportunities to support you to work around external family commitments.Development and Career Opportunities – Opportunities for each employee to reach their career goals through continued learning and/or advancement.About UsBon Secours Radiotherapy Cork in Partnership with UPMC Hillman Cancer Centre provides state-of-the-art treatments for patients in the Munster region including stereotactic radiosurgery and hyperarc technology. Conveniently located on the campus of Bon Secours Hospital Cork, the partnership offers patients access to radiotherapy services previously unavailable in the South East, including stereotactic radiosurgery. About UPMCA $26 billion healthcare provider and insurer, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania-based UPMC is inventing new models of patient-centred, cost-effective, accountable care. Working in close collaboration with the University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences, UPMC shares its clinical, managerial and technological skills worldwide through its innovation and commercialisation arm, UPMC Enterprises, and through UPMC International.Providing high-quality healthcare in the South East since 2006, UPMC’s operations in Ireland now include UPMC Whitfield Hospital in Waterford, UPMC Sports Surgery Clinic in Dublin, UPMC Kildare Hospital in Clane and UPMC Aut Even Hospital in Kilkenny. Outpatient care is available at the UPMC Carlow Outreach Centre, UPMC Hillman Cancer Centre radiotherapy locations at UPMC Whitfield and in Cork, the UPMC Sports Medicine Clinic at SETU Arena, Waterford, TUS Moylish Campus, Limerick, TUS Thurles Campus, Tipperary, and the UPMC Concussion Network. The UPMC Institute for Health is located in Mayo and the Global Technology Operation Centre is based in Kilkenny. UPMC is the Official Healthcare Partner of the GAA and GPA. 

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