Radiation Therapist

Radiation Therapist – Radiotherapy Limerick We are currently seeking to recruit a Senior and a basic grade Radiation Therapist to join our team based in the Mid Western Radiation Oncology Centre, Limerick. For a limited period the Mater Private Network are offering a relocation package to candidates who join the Limerick team before 31/12/2022. Purpose of the post: To be professionally responsible for treatment administration as prescribed by the radiotherapist and for patient care throughout treatment.Under the general direction of the radiographic services manager, the post holder will carry out those duties, including ancillary duties, which are required in the application of technical procedures connected with simulation and treatment.To lead and supervise junior staff and have a willingness to undertake such additional duties as may be assigned from time to time. Requirements Include:BSc in Radiation TherapyCORU registered Minimum 3 years experienceExcellent Time Management skillsExcellent Communication & Interpersonal skillsAbility to work as part of teamJob Descriptions available on request.MATER PRIVATE NETWORK IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES EMPLOYER  

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