Quantity Surveyor

Are you a Quantity Surveyor looking to take the next step in your career with a dynamic and progressive engineering company?Rockwell is set for significant growth over the next five years and because of new projects coming on stream, we are seeking a Quantity Surveyor to be initially based in Longford with long term view of supporting projects in the Midlands region. Duties and Responsibilities:Preparing and generating of monthly interim valuations & accountsProcessing and updating mechanical bills of quantitiesAssisting with the issuing of monthly interim accountsCompiling project variations & monitoring expenditure vs tender cost allowanceMaterial procurement based on MTOs provider by BIM and Engineering teamReviewing materials stocks, processing orders and understanding stock material certificationsProcessing and understanding field bulletins (cost details on contract variations), based on agreed rates and backup information from field engineering and construction supervisionGenerating weekly progress report in collaboration with relevant colleaguesDeveloping and agreeing project unit rate costs increases, in consideration of contractual annual cost adjustment clausesPreparing MTO'sEssential Qualifications, Knowledge and Skills Experience:Degree Qualification or relevant trade background in the Construction Industry.Experience in Pharmaceutical projects is advantageous, demonstrating your understanding of industry best practices and technologies.3+ years of experience in an estimating role with high value Projects.Design build experience and experience working on projects with live environments would be beneficial.Strong team player with excellent interpersonal skills, able to collaborate effectively with colleagues, clients, and external partners.Excellent organisational and planning skills.Proficiency in MS Office systems requiredExperience using estimating software such as Total Estimating or similar.Demonstrated appetite for continuous learning and personal development.Why join Rockwell?We provide a competitive salary that reflects your experience and qualifications. You will also have the chance to work in a vibrant and supportive setting, collaborating with experts in the field and making a positive impact on the environment. Our company prioritises work-life balance and supports your professional growth through training opportunities.Rockwell is an equal opportunities employer

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