Quality Manager

North Cork Creameries are currently recruiting for a Quality Manager (powder department) to join our dynamic team in Kanturk. This is an exciting opportunity to lead and manage a team in a fast-paced GMP food environment. Core Responsibilities: • Maintain all relevant quality accreditations for North Cork Creameries powder department• Manage operations in a manner which adheres and complies with current BRC, DAFM and customer standards at all times • Support and drive the Quality agenda and build strong working relationships with all other Departments • Develop and implement a Critical Food Safety Risk Assessment process • Assist in maintaining our TACCP/VACCP risk assessment programme • Capture and ensure all non-conformances are dealt with expediently with all root cause actions closed out and projects initiated as required• Ensure all customer complaints and non-conformances are effectively recorded/actioned/closed• Implement and manage the Quality Management System, generating and approving relevant GMP documentation, and managing risks, quality events, and CAPAs• Manage specifications for all products and implement a regular monitoring schedule flow with all stakeholders to review all products against specification• Prepare/manage and conduct all internal audits• Manage and ensure diligent product traceability, laboratory testing programs and product testing • Work closely with Commercial and Plant Operations teams in the areas of quality program management, inspection coordination and testing requirements• Implement and manage all necessary internal quality assurance systems and infrastructure to support company growth• Develop employees through training, monitoring, and mentoringExperience in dairy or food industry is a preferred but not essential.The above list of responsibilities is not exhaustive and other tasks may be required as needed. Experience & Skills Requirements:• Minimum 3rd level degree in a science-based discipline. • Minimum of 2- 5 years Quality / Technical Management experience in a food manufacturing environment. • Knowledge and experience implementing Quality Systems, BRC Global Food Safety Standard.• Strong knowledge of HACCP, TACCP, VACCP and Food Fraud • Strong regulatory knowledge for both product and process• Quality risk-based thinking and decision-making ability• Excellent interpersonal skills • Strong computer application skills (Word, Power Point, Excel)• Collaborative “can do” attitude • Ability to work on own initiative and as part of a team North Cork Creameries is an equal opportunities employer.

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