Quality Engineer

Our client, a privately owned Irish company based in Longford, is seeking to recruit an ambitious Quality Engineer. This is a hands-on role within a dynamic manufacturing environment. The Quality Engineer is responsible for supporting all Quality aspects impacting the successful functioning of the manufacturing facility and will report to the Quality Manager and will support the organization to achieve the quality objectives.  Key Responsibilities:  Developing and implementing solutions to sustain and improve the QMS. Maintain and support compliance to ISO 13485 and ISO 14001 systems standards.Interface with Customers on new products, quality Issues and Process Qualifications.Develop and implement process control programs to ensure customer requirements are met Carry out Process validations and qualification on products.Provides manufacturing support and Quality expertise in relation to Manufacturing issues and product dispositionPerforming quality engineering analysis to identify strategies to prevent quality non-conformances and minimize risk.Co-ordinate NCR / CAPA Process to ensure timely resolution and closure of issues. Lead training activities on Quality Procedures, e.g., Compliance, GMP, Audit Prep and GDP.Supporting and representing the site during external audits and carrying out Internal Audits.Trending and track of quality data to support quality improvements across the business.Supporting Environmental, Health and Safety requirements, training, and regulations.Perform additional duties at the request of the direct supervisor. Qualifications & Key Attributes:  Third level qualification in Engineering, Polymer Science, or equivalent Manufacturing experience.Experience in statistical analysis (Minitab) / SPC / validations. Excellent interpersonal, communication, influencing, and facilitation skillsA minimum of 3 years’ experience as a Quality Assurance Engineer within an Injection moulding or medical manufacturing environment.

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