Quality Controller

ABP is one of Europe’s largest food processors and our site in Yetminster produces best quality lamb products. The role of Quality Control is to ensure that product quality is assessed post packing, to ensure that it meets specification, and is at the highest standard for our customers Main Duties:This is a great opportunity for someone who is keen to develop and progress. If you have the desire to learn and develop the skills, you will learn will enable you to move up the career ladder to a QA role and maybe onto a role in Technical Management with opportunities not just at site level but also within the ABP Group.In this role the successful candidate would be working in our technical team who monitoring the quality and specification of our premium quality lamb products before Despatch ensuring it is at the highest standard for our customers. You will be working at part of a team to supporting in the ensuring that the required food safety standards are met. The role will involve recording of data accurately and reporting back to the Technical Management with any issues.Knowledge/Skills/QualificationsYou do not need previous experience however you must be able to demonstrate a background and understanding of working within a busy food production environment. The candidate will enjoy challenging, problem-solving roles and be ideally suited to a fast-paced environment. You will need e good interpersonal skills and ability to multi-task.Desirable you have Food Safety level 2 and HACCP Level 2 – if not training will be givenYou must have good communication skills both verbal and written EnglishHave the desire to learn and progressIntermediate IT skillsAttention to detailTeam PlayerAble to work to deadlinesDesirable you have working knowledge within the meat industry and an understanding of animal welfarePlease note you will be working in a temperature-controlled environment which in some areas is: -1/+2 degrees.What we Offer:Full time contract 52 weeks per yearSubsidised staff canteenFree parking on siteTraining and Development Opportunities

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