Quality Control Laboratory Assistant

We are currently recruiting for a Quality Control Laboratory Assistant to join the team at our processing site in Strand Street, Kanturk.This position has full responsibility for raw material, in-process & finished goods, environmental analysis and reporting in line with GMP.Key Responsibilities·        Conduct Q.C. laboratory tests and analysis.·        Effectively record, maintain, interpret and communicate data and results of tests/analysis in a timely fashion to designated personnel.·        Use relevant software programmes (including LIMS) in addition to having the necessary I.T. skills to adapt to new programmes, including in-house programmes.·        Ensure good housekeeping and GMP and adhere to the company’s safety standards at all times. ·        Assisting in ordering and maintenance of minimum stock levels for laboratory consumables.·        Participate in internal and external proficiency tests and training.·        Implement companies calibration procedures using provided samples and standards.·        Participate in flavour panels as a panelist. Key Skills·        Diploma/Degree in a science-related subject would be advantageous.·        1-3 years of quality experience in a laboratory.·        Self-Motivated, organised and methodical with the ability to prioritise tasks.·        Quality focus with strong attention to detail, an analytical mindset and work approach.·        Relationship building and customer service.·        Computer literacy with the ability to adapt to new systems.·        Knowledge of GMP and laboratory operations.·   Excellent record keeping.North Cork Creameries is an equal opportunities employer.

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