Quality Assurance Operative

ABP Food Group is a food business that specialises in the supply and development, producing award-winning British and Irish beef and lamb products for retail, foodservice and wholesale. ABP Kingswinford is part of the ABP UK division within the ABP Food Group aiming to provide quality lamb to thousands of customers across the world.Here at ABP Kingswinford, located in the West Midlands (DY6 7JS), we are currently recruiting for the ideal candidate to join our Technical Team as a Quality Assurance (QA). Reporting to the Assistant Technical Manager you will work Monday to Friday 05:30 am start, working an average of 45 hours per week. Role definition: -To ensure the production output is compliant with all current legislation standards and is to customer specifications by carrying out checks at various stages throughout production to verify that the product is conforming to Food Standards, company operating procedures and customer specifications. Main Duties and Responsibilities: -Carry out daily, weekly, quarterly and annual checks as specified in the company operating procedures -Carry out HACCP spot checks -Carry out pre-op checks, both visual and swabs -Oversee contamination removal at QC inspection points -Calibrate thermometers and scales in accordance with company operating procedures -Carry out traceability tests -Carry out tests on CCPs in accordance with company operating procedures -Record and analyse data -Carry out internal auditing -Maintain records -Communicate effectively with Technical team members and with production team operativesKnowledge and Experience:Essential-Must have experience working in a similar role -The ideal candidate will have an eye for detail and be committed to ensuring the company outputs are compliant to quality standards and legislation. -They must be able to communicate with a range of stakeholders and have the courage to stand for quality adherence.Benefits:Immediate startFree car parkingWeekly payPermanent Full-Time workPPE (Personal protective equipment) providedFree tea and coffeeCycle to Work SchemeDiscounted gym membershipEmployee Assistance ProgrammeLife AssurancePension SchemeFree flu jabsHealth & wellbeing programme

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