QHSE Officer

QHSE Officer Team Operations | Permanent Contract About MitieMitie provides a wide range of facilities management (FM) services across Ireland, Europe, and the UK. These are delivered as integrated FM contracts, in bundles or as single services, depending on client requirements. Our service areas include technical services, energy and building services, cleaning, security, front of house and consultancy. We work with a wide range of private and public clients to create great work environments, which resulted in Mitie winning 4 awards in the 2023 Facilities Management Awards, including Total FM Service Provider for the third year in a row. We have also won 3 awards in the Workplace Excellent awards in 2023 – Best in CSR, Manager/Leader of the Year, Excellence in Learning & Development – over 1,000 employees.  Mitie have been awarded the IBEC Keep Well Mark in 2021, 2022 and 2023 for our commitment to employee wellbeing and we have also been named in the Top 100 Employers for Wellbeing in Ireland for two years in a row. We are proud of our diverse workforce and like to recognize our people through various reward and recognition schemes, as well as through learning and development. Our premise is simple: the exceptional, every day.  About the role: ·      To work collaboratively within the QHSE team to deliver functional QHSE standards across the portfolio.·      Promote a positive QHSE culture and demonstrate how QHSE adds value to the business. ·      Assist with the provision of competent advice, and support to operational teams to enable them to carry out their QHSE responsibilities. ·      Assist with the review and maintenance of risk assessments, method statements, site packs as required. ·      Assist the QHSE team with the delivery of training modules and briefing material as required.·      Reviewing service provision to ensure compliance with clients QHSE standards. ·      Support the communication of QHSE briefings out to onsite teams to help drive QHSE compliance·      Assist the QHSE team to complete onsite QHSE audits.   About You: ·    Relevant third level qualification in Health, Safety, Quality or Environmental disciplines(preferred but not essential as training/ educational development will be provided)·    Willingness to develop your skills and experience within the field of QHSE ·    Enthusiastic learner, someone who strives to develop and grow·    Good IT skills, proficiency in MS applications a must·    Organizational skills with an ability to follow actions through to completion ·    Honest, transparent, and consistent·    Gain and hold the respect of others·    Have a flexible approach with a “can do” attitude·    A willingness to be “on site” within our business·    Passionate about QHSE and dedicated to further reducing & eliminating risks that may face colleagues whilst at work.·    Challenge and confront unsafe activities·    Positive, open & collaborative personality ·    Driving license (vehicle will be provided)      Mitie is an equal opportunity employer This job description is intended to give the post holder an appreciation of the role envisaged for this position and the range of duties undertaken. It does not attempt to detail every activity, and should be utilised as a general guide, detailing the minimum requirements and responsibilities of the position. Specific tasks and objectives will be agreed with the post holder following the appraisal process and on an as and when required basis throughout the post holder's period of employment.  

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