Quality Auditor

Role: Quality Auditor  Site: ArbroathShift Pattern: Monday to Friday, 04:30 – 13:00, 40 hrs per weekRate: Competitive   A rare opportunity has arisen to join our technical team and start a career within food industry. No previous experience is required as full training will be provided, but we are looking for someone with below skills:Passion for quality. Excellent communication skills.Attention to detail.Good time management skills.Computer literate.Numerical skills.  Prior experience in food manufacturing or auditing would be advantageous however not essential.  The role As a QA you would be supporting site Technical team in ensuring our end product is safe to consume. You will be supporting production lines within the factory in meeting food safety standards. Responsibilities will include:Checking daily production paperwork and escalating any issues Regular checks of factory production and products and addressing any concernsAuditing and product sampling.Conducting and preparing taste panels.Issuing reports & document non-conformances Assist the department/factory in preparing for customer visits/audits.Assist factory trials where applicable.Take part in Internal and External training to ensure a full understanding of job role and impact on food safety and integrity.  If you would like to apply for the role simply send your CV now!

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