Python Backend Developer (100% zdalnie)

EC2 S.A. is looking for Python Backend Developer.With our client we are starting new project in cryptocurrency. We are going to build user friendly mobile appthat lets users get into crypto investment.Role descriptionYou will be developing backend system using go and python with a focus on resilience,quality and security in the context of an event-driven microservices architecture.Main responsibilities:design and implement high-quality backend servicesparticipate in code reviews and auditswork closely with devops / test engineersDesired skills:english level minimum B2polish level minimum C1experience withgo and/or pythondocker, kubernetesgit and the related branching modelsCI/CD systemsworking in an agile settingknowledge of cloud / microservice design patternspreference for simple solutions that are improved in an iterative fashionvisceral rejection of gratuitous complexity and obsession with clean codemad communication skills ideally coupled with a sense of humorself-starter and able to work independently with minimal supervisionSummary:Project Start: ASAPLocation: RemoteContract duration: at least one yearSalary wage: 15000 - 25000 zł + vat (B2B)

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