Purchasing Co-ordinator

Specialist Insulation Division, M50 Business Park, Ballymount Avenue, Dublin 12, D12 T4C2, part of the HPC Group, Irelands’ leading supplier to the construction industry is looking for a full-time, Permanent Purchasing Co-ordinator to join our Team. Purchasing Co-ordinator HPC Insulation is a leading supplier of specialist insulation and related products and solutions for all types of construction. We offer solutions for all build types: masonry, steel frame, timber frame and off-site. Providing expert technical advice and specification in relation to fire, acoustic and thermal insulation applications, as well as a comprehensive and innovative range of airtightness and waterproofing membranes. Part of the HPC Sales Group, we offer industry leading advice and product availability from Europe’s leading manufacturers from our dedicated distribution hub based just off the M50 in Ballymount, Dublin. The successful candidate will receive in-house system and product specific training as required. Competitive package for the right candidate. The Role/Job PurposeThe main purpose of the position is maintaining the stock profile appropriate to the function of the business.  Liaising with suppliers and internal and external staff in relation to stock availability and inbound delivery. Key ResponsibilitiesThe candidate must have a positive attitude and the ability to work in a dynamic environment. The role will require the candidate to:Manage the stock profile of the business.Stock ordering, inbound scheduling and receipt of goods.Co-ordinate cycle counts and annual stock takes.Ensure accuracy of supplier pricing and invoicing.Co-ordination with warehouse function on managing and maintaining stock locations.Support internal and external sales teams on stock queries.Working closely with our suppliers to ensure best performance.Maintain supplier price files.Manage supplier queries in a timely manner. Knowledge & Experience requirements2 / 3 years’ experience in stock control / profiling.Self-motivated, with strong negotiation and planning skills.Excellent organisational and communication (verbal and written) skills. Performance MeasurementsManaging and maintaining appropriate stock targets and requirements.Accuracy of cycle counts and stock take outcomes.

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