Public Sector Pathfinders - Programme Executive

Job TitlePublic Sector Pathfinders - Programme ExecutiveSalary€50,501 pa (other arrangements may apply if coming directly from another civil or public service body)Tenure5-year fixed termWork LocationDublin, Dundalk, Cork or SligoClosing DateMidnight, Sunday 27th October 2024Role ProfileWe have an exciting opportunity for a Public Sector Pathfinders Programme Executive in the Public Sector and Regulatory Programmes Department  The Public Sector and Regulatory Programmes Department develops, administers, and manages a range of energy efficiency and emissions reduction programmes, designed to deliver on Ireland’s Climate Action Plan targets. These are aimed primarily at supporting the decarbonisation of public buildings and the delivery of regulatory programmes which support both domestic and non-domestic objectives.  Public Sector PathfindersSEAI support key public bodies in developing retrofit and decarbonisation approaches of scale. This is a large capital partnership programme closely engaged in retrofit activities in schools, higher education, central government, healthcare, and local authority sectors. The successful candidate will join an existing team of 4 programme executives and report to the Pathfinders Programme Manager. The Programme Executive will support teams from across the public sector to identify, develop and deliver high impact retrofit programmes in their area.  This position will play a key role in the Public Sector and Regulatory Programmes Department. Essential RequirementsThe successful candidate must be able to demonstrate:A third level qualification (a minimum of NFQ Level 7or greater) or equivalent professional qualification in a relevant technical discipline such as Engineering or Science.A minimum of three years of experience working in a related field (postgraduate studies may be included).A good understanding of energy efficiency or renewable energy opportunities in industry, commercial and/or public sector.Excellent team-player skills, with experience of managing projects involving a diverse range of internal and external stakeholders.Strong written and verbal communication skills (including report writing, presenting and public speaking) with an ability to communicate complex concepts to non-technical audiences.Desirable RequirementsExperience in working in building energy retrofit activities.Evidence of experience assessing energy saving opportunities across sectorsEvidence of experience with energy management systems and / or energy efficient design management and / or measurement and verification protocols. A qualification in project management.Experience of working in energy-related policy environment across the public sector, academia, or industry.Advanced MS Excel skills.A knowledge of the barriers and issues facing construction project delivery.Eligibility to WorkThe SEAI has a legal obligation to ensure that all employees are lawfully entitled to work in Ireland. To qualify, candidates must hold a valid visa on the date of application and where applicable to support a candidate’s application, candidates must submit a valid work permit/visa confirming permission to work in Ireland when requested. Failure to submit the required evidence, and failure to hold a valid permit/visa during the period of the contract, will result in the application and/or contract of employment being rendered void. Note in respect of UK citizens: Information regarding the Common Travel Area is available here.#LI-Hybrid

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