Public Affairs Executive

Job TitlePublic Affairs ExecutiveSalary€50,501 pa (Other arrangements may apply if coming directly from another civil or public service body)Tenure5-year fixed term contractWork LocationDublinClosing DateMidnight, Friday 10th January 2025Role ProfileWe have an exciting opportunity in the Public Affairs team to provide strategic and operational support as part of SEAI’s Public Affairs team.   SEAI is expanding its Public Affairs team with the appointment of a Public Affairs Executive. Reporting to the Head of Public Affairs, the successful candidate will be a key member of the Public Affairs team responsible for stakeholder engagement, parliamentary liaison, and the efficient delivery of the Parliamentary Affairs function.   Responsibilities will include, but not limited to, parliamentary engagement; research; processing and drafting replies to Parliamentary Questions (PQs); liaison function between SEAI and the Department of Climate, Environment and Communications (DECC); project management; event and administrative support as required.  The successful candidate will also be expected to provide public affairs advice and strategic input across the organisation.Essential RequirementsThe successful candidate must be able to demonstrate:A degree (a minimum of NFQ Level 7 or greater) in a related such as Communications, Public Affairs, Political Science or Public Policy.A minimum of three years’ directly relevant experience working in public affairs, communications, government affairs or a related field.Demonstrates a good understanding of the parliamentary system/statutory obligations as a state body. A proven track record in building and managing stakeholder relationships at a high-level.Excellent communication (both written and oral) including report writing, presenting and public speaking.Well-developed IT skills (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, SharePoint).Desirable RequirementsExperience working in the energy / climate sector.Proficiency is the use of social media.Excellent planning and organisational skills. Problem-solving/analytical skills.Eligibility to WorkThe SEAI has a legal obligation to ensure that all employees are lawfully entitled to work in Ireland. To qualify, candidates must hold a valid visa on the date of application and where applicable to support a candidate’s application, candidates must submit a valid work permit/visa confirming permission to work in Ireland when requested. Failure to submit the required evidence, and failure to hold a valid permit/visa during the period of the contract, will result in the application and/or contract of employment being rendered void. Note in respect of UK citizens: Information regarding the Common Travel Area is available here.#LI-Hybrid

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