Property Service Manager

Property Service ManagerWe currently have an exciting opportunity for a committed *Christian with building surveying and asset management experience and a heart for older people to be part of this vital and fulfilling position. Reporting directly to the Director of Property Services, you will have a key role in ensuring the provisions of our selected properties are safe and comfortable and responding efficiently to repair needs and requests.This role is part of the support function provided by our Support Office in London, however, you will be working remotely with regular travel across our various homes and schemes. Read our job pack here for more informationResponsibilities:Working with the Directors of Property, Finance and Operations to agree on maintenance budgets;Specifying, tendering, monitoring and supervision of building and refurbishment projects and planned preventative maintenance;Prepare reports in relation to ongoing and forecast work and budgets;Produce recommendations on future cost planning;Responsible for proper authorisation of orders, invoices, accounts, etc., in line with agreed policies;Skills/Experience:Qualified building surveyor, architectural technician, project manager, quantity surveyor or similar qualification.Building defect identification and maintenance procurement and management;Property maintenance surveyor role;Facilities and asset management;Building project and repairs management;Able to prepare estimates, drawings and specifications for projects and project manage them.Computer literate and able to work in Excel, Word, etc.Team player;Self-motivated;Willing and able to travel extensively as the role requires;A clean driving licence, valid for UK driving;*Applicants must be evangelical Christians (This role has an Occupational Requirement to be filled by a Christian under the provisions of the Equality Act (2010).).    Hours:40 hours a week, usually worked over 5 days.“On-call” cover is required to meet demands. Please get in touch for more information about working patterns. Benefits:Remote workingCompany car provided if needed for the role5 Weeks' paid holiday per year as well as bank and public holidaysEmployee assistance programmePerkboxLife AssuranceCare FriendsBirthday rewardLong-standing service rewardsBeing part of our friendly staff teamPension scheme On-going training and supportFlexible working pattern— What our staff say about us: …“It is a friendly and welcoming place to work” … —Pilgrims’ Friend Society is a registered charity. Our Christian ethos is central to everything we plan and do. We welcome applications from people of all backgrounds.INDHPPlease note: this vacancy may close sooner if sufficient applications have been received so please apply as soon as possible if interested.

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