Project Team Support Administrator

We are a multi-disciplinary consultancy with collaborative innovation at the heart of what we do. We have an exciting opportunity for an office based Project Team Support administrator to join our friendly project support and administration team in Birmingham. Supporting the Architectural team you will need excellent communication and interpersonal skills, the ability to work to tight deadlines and juggle multiple tasks.Role information:Administration support to the architectural teamSupporting the Architectural PartnersIssuing of fee invoicingLeading cash collection process for the architectural teamLiaise with the client organisation, contractors and partner companies Arranging team eventsThe role will be based in our Birmingham office but there will be times when travel to our London office will be necessary. Travel costs for this are covered.When supporting our team you will need:Excellent written and verbal communication and interpersonal skills.Friendly and enthusiastic with a passion for getting involved and making a real difference to the team.Highly competent in all areas of Microsoft Office Suite with competent typing speeds.Self-motivated with experience of working on own initiative and with an eye for detail.Proactive with the ability to prioritise tasks and meet deadlines.Proven experience in a proactive office administration role.Proven experience in audio typing with a speed in excess of 60 wpm.We offer a highly competitive package, with excellent career development opportunities.Some of our amazing benefits include:Flexible working hoursMedicash health planLife assurance cover for all colleagues (x4 annual salary)Birthday leaveBiannual pay reviewsIf you would like to join our professional and friendly team please apply with your CV and covering letterBaily Garner LLP are an equal opportunities employer and positively encourage applications from suitably qualified and eligible candidates regardless of sex, race, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, religion or belief, marital status, or pregnancy and maternity/paternity needs.

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