Project Manager

Project ManagerLocation is flexible (Hybrid - Travel requiredPermanent, full timeCompetitive salary plus benefitsWe are currently seeking to recruit for Project Manager to join us here at Aqua Consultants. This role will be within our Customer Programmes team reporting all day to day duties to the Commission Manager/Head of PMO. The ideal candidate should possess strong project management abilities, demonstrating organisational prowess and diligence. Effective communication and interpersonal skills are crucial, alongside proficiency in report writing. Desirable qualifications include APMP/AMP PMQ or equivalent project management certification, and familiarity with Microsoft Office and other specialised software like SAP and CRM systems. Experience in the energy/water industry or wider utilities sector is preferred, along with accreditation in NEC3/4 and proficiency in Microsoft Project or Gantt chart usage.Deep diving more into the role:The Project Manager will ensure the successful delivery of assigned projects within agreed timeframes, quality standards, and budget parameters by coordinating technical resources and managing project scope. They will manage risks, contracts, and compliance while fostering client relationships and generating business leads. Additionally, they will promote best practices, mentor junior staff, and maintain effective communication with stakeholders. Responsibilities include resource management, reporting, process improvement, and professional development within the organization's project management community.*Full job description available upon request* What we do:Aqua Consultants are a multi-disciplinary consultancy providing a wide range of Asset Management, Engineering and Commercial services to our clients across the water, energy and environment sectors, across the UK. Who we are:Aqua is established on a solid foundation of diversity – diversity of skills, cultures, personalities, perspectives and experiences. It is this diversity that unifies our team and enables us to offer holistic and innovative solutions to our clients most pressing needs. The ‘Aqua’ culture is a set of values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours that creates a family-like environment within our workplace, something we call the ‘Aqua Family.’ We are an ambitious team who live our values of Growth, Accountability, Integrity Innovation, Empathy and Fun. Our Vision – Growth through SHARED CAPABILITYOur Mission – Growing sustainable value for future generations Aqua is also part of the Adler and Allan Group, allowing us to utilise and share capability amongst over 1000 employees within the UK.Why Aqua Consultants?We are a fast-growing organisation with highly experienced staff at the heart of everything we do. We offer more than just a day job – Aqua offers very competitive salaries and a great working environment. You’ll be able to input into the development and growth of our business whilst we help you progress in your career. If you feel you have the skills, personality, and experience, please apply today! 

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