Project Manager

Project ManagerPermanent, Full-time (40hrs)Competitive salary, plus benefits Based out of any of our offices (Leeds, Birmingham, Exeter) combined with working from client locations and home.As Project Manager you will be responsible for ensuring the timely delivery of multiple design-based projects meeting all agreed time, quality, and cost parameters. Dive deep into coordinating technical resources and liaising with teams to ensure the project scope flows smoothly and successfully. You will be predominantly working within the Water industry but may cover wider utilities and infrastructure. Join us and lead the way in the water industry!Deep dive into the role:Risk and Issue management.Leading Weekly progress meetings and documenting the outputs for Client update.Contract management duties in accordance with the framework or account processes from contract signature through to invoicing. This includes management of risk registers, early warning registers and compensation event claims.Responsible for ensuring IMS (Integrated Management System) compliance for assigned projects including project audits, project governance and corrective actions.Managing key client projects, coordinating technical resource, and developing scope requirements.Developing internal programmes for project delivery and reporting on progress to the client and internally.Responsible for developing price quotes and ensuring these are delivered in line with the agreed budget and profit parameters.More about you:Water Industry or wider utilities experience preferredAPMP/ AMP PMQ (Project Management Qualification)/ PRINCE 2 or equivalentContract management of design schemes lump sum and time and expenseEffective communication, report writing and interpersonal skills.Microsoft Project, and other specialist computer packages (SAP, CRM’s, etc).NEC3/4 accreditation (Desirable)Gantt chart experience (Desirable)What we can offer you:Enhanced maternity,  paternity and adoption pay and leaveCompany pension Life assurance scheme (x4 salary)Medicare Cash Plan (includes cash payments towards dental, medical, therapeutic treatments) with the option to add up to 4 dependantsRefer a friend schemeEmployee assistance programme (access to GP appointments and mental health support)Competitive annual leave plus bank holidays Training and career progression opportunities Why Aqua Consultants?We are a fast growing organisation with highly experienced staff at the heart of everything we do. We offer more than just a day job – Aqua offers very competitive salaries and a great working environment. You’ll be able to input into the development and growth of our business whilst we help you progress in your career.Adler and Allan are committed to fostering diversity and inclusion in our workplace. We proudly embrace equal opportunities for all applicants, regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or national origin. If you require any support with your application, whatever the circumstance, please let us know.

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