Project Coordinator

Project Coordinator  Hours: Monday to Friday 08:30 – 17:30Holiday: 25 days + bank holidaysLocation: Horsham, West Sussex.  Who are we? Global 4 deliver a range of services to business clients across the whole of the UK, from cloud telephone systems, data connectivity, security, IT and mobiles through to gas & electricity.  As a forward-thinking business utilising the latest technology, Global 4 support a wide range of clients. Our class-leading service is unparalleled, and our proposition enables us to welcome hundreds of new customers every year whilst retention is at an all-time high.  Our business continues to grow, and we need like-minded, hard-working, and adept individuals to support this growth. Need more proof? Our Trustpilot ratings proudly sit at excellent, demonstrating our customer satisfaction, whilst our internal processes and security are backed by ISO 9001 and 27001 accreditations. Global 4 are proud to be an Equal Opportunities and a Living Wage Foundation employer. We have been established for over 25 years. Our business is the perfect place to forge your career.  What benefits will you receive? ·        25 days holiday allowance plus bank holidays·        5 additional days leave granted based upon length of service·        Buy additional holiday, up to 30 days ·        Death in service benefit·        Pension scheme·        Eye care vouchers·        £1,000 Refer A Friend Scheme·        Reward recognition schemes with days out·        Summer and Christmas parties What will you be doing?            The Project Co-ordinator (PC) is required to support the Project Managers with the planning and organisation of customer’s solutions. You’ll be responsible for scheduling in all broadband, line, calls, numbering, and porting orders, ensuring the schedule of the overall solution is met. This is an integral role within the team, and you’ll need strong organisation and planning skills. You’ll also be required to support the Project Admin by monitoring the admin inbox and placing suspensions and ceases on behalf of the Credit Control team where required. This position offers the opportunity to work in a mixed and varied role, gaining experience within a growing area of the business. This is a great opportunity to join a rapidly growing organisation with genuine prospects of progression. Responsibilities: ·        Place orders with UK data service providers and managing through to completion. Ensure that orders placed are in line with the solution agreed with the customer.·        Accurately action all broadband, line, calls, numbering, and porting orders raised by PMs.·        Order all BB, lines, and calls.·        Set up new telephone/cloud numbers.·        Manage the porting of numbers in line with defined process, to ensure no delays to the solution competition date.·        Work toward placing small orders and Projects.·        Communicate internally to ensure a quick schedule turnaround - allowing Global 4 to start generating revenue as soon as possible.·        Communicate professionally with suppliers and build relationships - have key contacts to drive the delivery of the customer’s solution.·        Escalate orders with suppliers for service failures in line with G4’s policies and procedures whilst using initiative to exceed customer expectations.·        Liaise closely with the Head of Projects and PMs to ensure workstack and schedules are met.·        Manage the inbox when the Project Admin is unavailable.·        Place suspensions and ceases on behalf of the Credit Control team.·        Updating the CRM system in line with company work instructions & ensure the information is correct and up to date.·        Managing your tickets effectively (correct use of note templates, note categories, priorities, etc).·        Communicate in a professional and friendly manner. ·        Pro-actively keep up to date with the latest industry practice and products.·        Promote continual self-development and identifying key areas where further development is required.·        Maintain and contribute to a collaborative team environment, communicating professionally and respectfully amongst colleagues. ·        Promote Global 4’s culture, values and vision.What we need from you:·        Comfortable communicating to suppliers and naturally build rapport. ·        Strong organisation and planning abilities.·        Effective prioritisation and time management skills.·        Understanding of steps required to deliver data connectivity (desirable).·        You’ll be experienced in being able to remain resilient in challenging situations and will be able to articulate how you can work effectively under pressure.·        Have strong IT skills and a working knowledge of windows-based packages and other databases.·        A team player.·        Have a strong understanding on the importance of delivering outstanding customer service. Global 4 are proud to be an Equal Opportunities and a Living Wage Foundation employer. 

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