Project Controls Lead

DPS Group is a global provider of A&E professional services for the life science, pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical and advanced technology sectors. DPS delivers full service Architectural and Engineering Design, Consulting and CQV and with a ‘client first’ ethos. We have one goal; to deliver more than clients expect first time, every timeThe Project Controls Lead / QS will provide lead support on various projects as part of a Project team to deliver projects for our clients within budget. Our clients are primarily in the Pharmaceutical, Chemical and Micro Electronic industry sectors. DPS provides full EPCMV (Engineering, Procurement, Construction Management and Validation) services for its clients.The DPS Project Controls department operates as part of a multi-disciplinary team, serving both our Clients and internal management, in the following areas:Cost ManagementEarned Value Progress Measurement of Engineering during Detail DesignEstimatingContracts Administration,Scheduling and Reporting on Construction ProgressProcurement of Free Issue EquipmentRetention of Historic Data.The Project Controls Lead /Cost Engineer will carry out all cost control functions as a lead on various projects during the design, procurement, construction and C&Q phases. Responsibilities will include project estimates, preparation of contract documents, commercial analysis, recommendation & award of contracts, cost reporting, preparation of change notices, and all contract administration during installation and construction until final close out.The successful candidate will be exposed to Pharmaceutical, Food and Heavy Industrial projects both in the Engineering Office and on Project Sites, in the following phases;Conceptual study.Detail engineering & procurement.Construction.Commissioning and qualification.Close out & handover.Some of the responsibilities of this role include :Prepare cost plans / budget estimate and cost reports from concept development right through detailed design to construction and commissioning.Prepare tender enquiry packages for CSA, Mechanical & Electrical contracts.Analysis and reporting of contractor tender bids.Administration of reporting of contract packages in the field, including assessment of variations, progress measurement, assessment and agreement of final accounts.Provide input in the preparation of in-house earned value progress measurement during the design phase of projects.Provide input into the preparation of project schedules.Gathering and retention of historic data and benchmarking metrics.Education & experience:Quantity Surveying – degree level.10+ years experience in Project Controls and or Project Quantity Surveying.Computer literate in Excel, Word, MS Project, Visio, Power point.Excellent interpersonal, organisational and communication skills.Attention to detailSelf-starterAbility to work as part of a teamOther:Flexibility required in terms of travelling to client facilities in Ireland and abroad.Projects can entail extended periods working on client sites as well as in our design office

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