Project Controls Engineer

DPS delivers Full Service Engineering with a ‘client first’ mentality and personal touch across a range of market sectors: Project and Programme Management, Procurement, Design, Construction Management, Environmental Health & Safety Management, Commissioning, Qualification Start-up and Technical Staff Support.We have one goal: to deliver more than you expect first time, every time. We’ve been serving industry around the world for 46 years, relied on for our agility, original thinking, sound judgement and high-calibre people. What sets us apart is the rapport we build with our clients and the care we take to gain a fundamental understanding of our clients business and how they operate.Overview to RoleThe Project Controls Cost Engineer will manage and control the project costs including coordinating the planning, assignment and utilisation of operations resources across multi disciplines in consultation with department managers, project managers engineering and operations directors.The DPS Project Controls department operates as part of a multi-disciplinary team, serving both our Clients and internal management, the Project Controls responsibilities involve but are not limited to the following areas:-Project Cost Reporting.Earned Value Progress Measurement & Reporting (PMR).Project Change Control.Forecasting & Reporting.Maintaining and Managing CBS. The Cost Engineer will carry out the above functions on various projects during the design, procurement, construction and C&Q phases. Responsibilities will include the assessment of planned budget resource hours through a central resource planning system. Knowledge and / or experience in large project ERP systems would be an added advantage. The project controls resource coordinator will be expected to:Build maintains forecast and report project costs.Interrogate individual project and overall resource plans.Organise and coordinate review with individual departments.Interact with project managers and operations. Audit projects on the system in line with SOP’s. Issue & present Ops forecasting data.Liaise with central engineering on new technologies and roll out.Education & experience:Cost Management and/or Finance Qualification.Experience in ERP systems and resource software.From 5-10 years’ experience in Project Controls and/or Finance. Essential skills:Computer literate in Databases, Excel, Word, MS Project, Visio, Powerpoint.Excellent interpersonal, organisational and communication skills.Attention to detailSelf-starter Ability to work as part of a team

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