Project Co-Ordinator

Location: Lucena Clinic, Child & Adolescent Mental Health ServicesLucena Clinic provides a comprehensive Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service to defined catchment areas, with an under 18 population of 172,585, residing in South Dublin City and County plus North and East County Wicklow. Clinical teams are based throughout the catchment area operating clinics in Tallaght, Rathgar, Dun Laoghaire, Bray, Wicklow town and Arklow. Project Co-ordinator(0.5 to 1 WTE, Fixed Term Contract, 12 months)  Lucena Clinic Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services is seeking applications from suitably qualified candidates for appointment as a fixed term Project Co-ordinator to operate a project called Lucena Clinic CAMHS: Extending Hospitality to our Neurodivergent Community. This project aims to extend hospitality to our neurodivergent service users and staff improving the experience and engagement of all those involved in Lucena Clinic CAMHS. Remuneration will be commensurate with experience. The successful applicant must show that they meet the following requirements:·        A Masters degree or near completion of same in a Health and Social Care Profession from a recognised university or three years relevant work experience·        A proven track record in audit and research·        Excellent communication and computing skills including proficiency in the use of SPSS (or similar)·        Experience working with children and adolescents and their parents/carers·        Highly organised, compassionate and committed to professionalism·        Adaptable, dependable, reliable and responsible·        Knowledge of types of neurodivergences and neuroffirmative practice and a commitment to same. The following criteria are considered highly desirable:·        Personal experience of or previous experience working with the neurodivergent community·        Previous experience working in a mental health setting·        Previous experience preparing written reports for publicationA full clean driving licence and access to their own vehicle For this role, Lucena Clinic CAMHs provides the following benefits:·        An opportunity to gain both research and audit experience as part of an innovative project·        A stimulating working environment liaising closely with the multidisciplinary team·        Experience working in a clinical setting with formal supervision structures.·        Opportunities will be provided for professional development. We would welcome applications from members of the neurodivergent community. Informal enquiries to Sarah Burns, Speech and Language Therapy Manager, 087 2200548. Please submit your CV, without gaps, Cover Letter and copies of your qualification and current professional registration as one scanned document.    A panel may be formed from which future vacancies may be filled.Job Description available on request. Closing Date:    Wednesday 4th October 2023Interview Date: TBC Applicants may be shortlisted on the information supplied in the Curriculum Vitae. By applying for this position you are giving Saint John of God Community Mental Health Services consent to have your personal data stored which will be retained for the purpose of this competition only.Saint John of God Community Mental Health Services is an equal opportunities employer.

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