Programme Manager

Programme ManagerWolverhamptonWe are actively seeking a talented Program Manager to join Tyman UK&I contribute to project success by implementing a structured governance framework, fostering collaboration, and ensuring outstanding stakeholder management.What you'll be doingOwn the design of programmes/projects implementation of governance and reporting standards for all projects determined as PMO-led across Tyman UK&IEnsure all projects have clear deliverables, cost/benefit analysis and key performance indicators across Tyman UK&IFacilitate and enable cross-functional team collaboration towards project deliverablesOwn project portfolio progress reporting across the dimensions of cost, scope change and on-time deliveryBuild and own web-based reporting libraries, such that audit trails and common standards can be maintainedEnable reporting of key metrics enabling decision makers to make informed decisionsEnsure scenario planning and risk mitigation outputs are maintained and monitoredUpdate on verbal progress and health of projects, status of milestones and deliverablesWhat we're looking forSignificant project management and PMO experience, across a range of functions/project types including ERP implementation and other significant change management projectsPrince 2 or similar qualification, and or Lean practitioner qualifications. Alternatively, a strong track record in programme and transformation deliveryStrong, and subtle influencing skills, capable of varying styles to meet the needs of varied internal customers and situationsSystematic approach to documentation, audit trails and evidence based argumentIT skills appropriate to the role including use of tools such as Sharepoint, Teams, MS Project, MS Visio etcAbout usHere at Tyman UK and Ireland, our purpose is to transform the security, comfort, and sustainability of living and working spaces through our expert touch. Tyman UK and Ireland is one of three divisions within the Tyman Group which has over 4000 employees globally and facilities in 17 countries.We believe the employment relationship is two-way, so from us you can expect a professional and safe working environment where teamwork is paramount. We are really looking for someone who is currently operating at this level in a similar role, however, linked to our value of ‘never stop growing’ we are open to individuals who may be looking for their next career opportunity.

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