Programme Assistant - Day services, Greenacres

Programme Assistant - Camphill CommunityCamphill Community are currently seeking applications from highly motivated people to join our team for the following position:  Programme AssistantJob Purpose To support the service (residential community and day service) in developing and fostering a person centered culture, with an aim to achieve a high quality of personal outcomes, personal development, growth and opportunity within the ethos of CCoI and the regulatory and contractual requirements, of provision. To assist in the inclusive programmes, training and social role opportunities for participants by supporting and working with people with support needs, volunteers  employees, and wider community partners. To enable and support meaningful work, training and personal development opportunities for people according to their ability, personal choice and vocational interests. Key Responsibilities The Programme Assistant will: Management:• Understanding the values and ethos of Camphill Communities of Ireland and to behave always in a way that upholds those values.• To uphold, promote and apply all practices and reporting requirements associated with company and HSE / statutory requirements on Safeguarding and Protection of vulnerable adulty / children as appropriate to the setting. • To promote the safety and wellbeing of all members of the community while respecting and supporting their right to independent decision making. • To contribute to the establishing of polices, systems and practices so that the community provides the best standard of care and support and complies with legislation, polices and best practice within the context of Camphill’s ethos and values and can demonstrate the same.• To contribute with colleagues to the development and strategic vision of the community and associated activities and opportunities. • Building and maintaining relationships of trust and confidence with the adults with support needs, coworkers, employees and volunteers.• To have sound knowledge of the mission statement, values and purpose of Camphill Communities of Ireland.• To work in accordance with the policies and procedures laid down by the Camphill Communities of Ireland.• Adhere to HIQA Standards, New Directions Standards and other company standards within your work location.• Engage with inspections and audits carried out by the Company, HIQA/HSE• To engage in personal and professional development that will ensure the necessary skills and knowledge in meeting the changing needs of the position.Main Tasks:• Assist in planning the work of people with support needs, identifying the best activity and approach for each person, providing guidance, motivating, developing and directing people as they work.• To create a good working environment and a group dynamic that enables each worker to benefit from their time in the programme.• Making sure that people with support needs are constructively engaged, emotionally supported and sufficiently challenged and progressing as well as supported to work as independently as possible.• Work in conjunction with individual plans and aims for each individual in the programme.• Assist people with support needs in their work wherever necessary and overseeing/supervising their tasks once they can work independently.• Be involved in reviews and support meetings in conjunction with our social care coordinators and other individuals supporting an individual.• To notify the Management group or their nominated person of any behavior that causes concern.• To attend the appropriate meetings as requested• Work under limited supervision, following standarised practices and/or methods, providing information, advising others and reporting to Management.• To negotiate holidays to minimise disruption to the smooth and safe running of the programme• To maintain Health and Safety regulations within the programme, compiling Risk Assessments on the use of equipment where necessary. To apply best practice safety in line with company policy and national best practice as advised by Health and Safety Authority.• To ensure that all equipment in the programme is safe, clean and in good working order.• To have ready the materials, resources and expertise required for the project / activity.• To keep the area's you are responsible beautiful, pleasant, clean and tidy• Organising and supervising tea breaks for the programme• Assist as necessary to ensure all documentation required and associated with the programmeQualifications, Knowledge & ExperienceCandidates must have:• QQI Level 5 Major Award in Community/Healthcare on the QQI Framework (with 8 completed modules)• At least 1 years’ experience in working with adults with an intellectual disability/ autism • Experience of running programmes for adults with an intellectual disability/autism• An understanding of the New Directions model of day support services, as developed by the HSE. A willingness to work in promoting this model within your role• Ability to contribute towards the support, coaching, managing and motivating and developing a mixed workforce of volunteers and employees.What we offer:• Competitive salary with Sunday and Bank Holiday premiums• Pay scales• Career progression opportunities• Work/life balance• Paid annual leave• Refer a friend scheme• Employee Assist Programme offering advice and counselling• Death in Service Benefit• Paid mandatory training• Paid travel expensesDetails of the Role:Salary Scale: €27,975 to €33,306. (Pro rata - based on 40 hrs). Commencing on first point of the scale.Location: Dublin South – Stillorgan, A94 F5D8Duration: Permanent contract - Part time, 30 hrs. per week (Day time hours Monday - Friday)Closing date: 5pm on Wednesday 8th May 2024Candidates shortlisted for interview will be contacted by Tuesday 14th May 2024.Please note all posts are subject to Garda Vetting, relevant Police check for any country of residence of over 6 months from age of 18 and reference checking.Camphill is an equal opportunity employer.

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