Production Supervisor (Medical Devices)

Benefits:Company contributed pensionPrivate Health InsuranceEducational assistance programmeDevelopment opportunitiesVitalograph is the world’s leading manufacturer of medical respiratory diagnostic devices and software, used in the diagnosis of respiratory disorders, and advanced high-reliability equipment and software systems used in respiratory end-point clinical drug trials. We design and manufacture respiratory diagnostic devices, software, and consumables for healthcare professionals, for almost 60 years, and serve customers in over 100 countries. Headquartered in the UK, Vitalograph has operations in Ireland, Germany and the USA. Reporting to the Manufacturing Manager, the Production Supervisor is responsible for day-to-day supervision of the production team in accordance with Vitalograph’s business needs and QMS. Based on customer and company requirements the production supervisor schedules daily/weekly production builds. Responsibilities as a Production Supervisor:Participate in wider team meetings to enable fulfilment of company’s sales order plan.Co-ordinate and prepare weekly production plans for manufacturing.Co-ordination and analysis of production resource requirements to best fulfil requirement of both long term and immediate production orders. Provide input to monthly operations review via agreed reports and metrics on a weekly and monthly basis.Timekeeping and clock-card maintenance on a weekly basis.Work throughput. Be able to gauge/measure individual work throughput on a weekly basis and take corrective action in a timely fashion when necessary.Ensure that all work and tasks carried out are consistent and compliant with our QA/RA systems including but not limited to:o  Procedure Adherence: All procedures are adhered to consistently.o  NC/CA: NC & CAs are dealt with in a timely manner, within requiremento  Issues noted within production are communicated to QA/RA in a timely fashionHuman resource management of the production team.Ensuring that production team are trained to the latest revision of any SOPs or Tis as required under the QMS.Assign tasks and duties to the production team in alignment with sales and production plans.To drive improvement in output efficiency and effectivenessParticipate in wider team meetings to enable fulfilment of company’s sales order plan.Co-ordinate and prepare weekly production plans for manufacturing.Flexibility is a requirement of this position, and the successful candidate must be prepared to undertake such other duties as assigned by the Manufacturing Manager. Such duties can be outside the normal area (and hours) of work. Requirements as a Production Supervisor:Must be highly motivated and have a strong desire to succeed in a demanding role.Outstanding organisational and time-management skills.Uses good judgement and can make effective decisions on complex issues despite short timelines and pressure.Self-disciplined, organised and can take ownership and responsibility for business objectives.Independent, critical thinker with strong decision-making skills.Hungry for new information and development; self-aware and has an urgent sense for continuous improvement.Exceptional ability to leverage/collaborate effectively with internal stakeholders.Excellent written and verbal communication and interpersonal skills.Strong problem-solver.Secures resources and builds the team, system and culture needed to meet commitments and drive results, balances short- and long-term needs and goals, and effectively leads change.Qualifications:2nd level Leaving Certificate.3rd level qualification, or equivalent including experience, in an engineering or business area.

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