Production Operators

Production Operators About VitalographVitalograph is the world’s leading manufacturer of medical respiratory diagnostic devices and software, used in the diagnosis of respiratory disorders, and advanced high-reliability equipment and software systems used in respiratory end-point clinical drug trials. We design and manufacture respiratory diagnostic devices, software, and consumables for healthcare professionals, for almost 60 years, and serve customers in over 100 countries. Headquartered in the UK, Vitalograph has operations in Ireland, Germany and the USA.Due to expansion & growth in the market, we are now recruiting for Production Operators on a 6-month contract basis. Responsibility as a Production Operator:·      Assembly, test, & pack product with accuracy and to agreed targets.·      Operation of equipment/automation for moulding and final assembly of product.·      Manual assembly of product.·      Set-up of equipment, loading raw material etc.·      Complete appropriate records and reports as required.·      Maintain a clean, neat, and orderly work area.·      Adhere to internal Standard Operating Procedures and specific work instructions.·      Other duties as defined by management.·      Building products on time, following the process and procedures as defined within the QMS.·      Products completed to highest standards and never knowingly passing poor quality to next step in the process.·      Adherence to all H&S, IS, QMS and GDP requirements.·      Following Housekeeping and Hygiene standards Job Challenges:·      Physical role that requires manual dexterity·      Being able to work to tight deadlines and work comfortably in a dynamic operating environment with changing priorities.·      This role will require some manual handling and ability to stand for long periods of time.·      Flexibility to work different rosters if required. (applicable to Consumables) Requirements as a Production Operator:·      2nd level Leaving Certificate and/or relevant Industry experience·      Ensure that weekly commitments are met·      Duties performed effectively and efficiently·      Work with others in a spirit of good will and cooperation·      Good manual dexterity & attention to detail·      Able to fill in paperwork in compliance with GDP (Good Documentation Practice)·      Good housekeeping standards·      Good communication skills·      Adherence to policy and procedures·      Comfortable using IT systems

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