Production Operator - Packing 24/7

The RoleWe are looking for a Production Operative - Packing to join our Manufacturing site in Thirsk, North Yorkshire. This is a permanent position offering £13.22 per hour and is working on a 24/7 shift pattern.Please note there is not public transport routes to our factory, therefore you will need your own reliable transport! To be considered for this position it is a requirement you live in a 25 mile radius of our location which is YO7 3HE and have your own transport.On Offer:£13.22 per hour (including shift pay)Average paid 42 hours per weekDays and Nights between 5.30am / 17.30pmPaid monthly (last Friday of each month)Training providedOur shift model explained:The Dupont schedule follows a four-week cycle. Colleagues switch between day and night shifts, often within the same week, and will work for three or four consecutive days at a time. Colleague workdays are interspersed with one to three consecutive days off. Additionally, colleagues receives one block of seven days off during the four-week period.The Company IPN is an innovative, well-established, and award-winning pet food manufacturer, now employing over 400 people across our 3 UK sites. Our family of brands include Harringtons, Wagg, Barking Heads & Meowing Heads, AATU and a selection of partner brands that trust us to produce food on their behalf. Our kitchens in Thirsk and Kinmel produce dry, wet, and baked foods which are enjoyed by dogs and cats all over the world.The RoleThe Production Operator role is to ensure processes are followed within the production to ensure products are produced in line with production plans, to the highest level of quality whilst keeping our colleagues safe.  Key Responsibilities of the Production Operator:Following production directions given and ensuring that products are packed using the correct combination and volumes of WIPEnsuring that the highest level of quality is maintained throughout the production process, through compliance with relevant Food Safety legislation, standards and requirementsFollowing the ‘Clean As You Go’ policy at all times, to ensure that the department is operating to the highest standards of hygieneEnsuring that hourly production checks are carried out, and when any issues arise, that they are reported immediately to the Area Shift Leader or the Area ManagerMonitors the effectiveness of machinery and equipment, through overall equipment effectiveness, where there is an issue escalate through the appropriate channels e.g. reporting breakdowns to Engineering departmentPromote a people safe culture within the department, complying with policies and procedures, reporting any safety issues and plant damage through the appropriate proceduresMinimising waste of raw materials, products, packaging, chemicals and water whilst undertaking duties within the departmentUndertake training and assist with the training of other colleagues when required. Act as a buddy for new colleagues and provide guidance where necessary.Skills, Experience and Qualifications of the Production Operator:Experience in a same / similar role within ManufacturingTo be considered for this position it is a requirement you live in a 25 mile radius of our location which is YO7 3HE and have your own transport.A good standard of education; demonstrates good literacy and numerical skills, able to understand, communicate and report clearly in EnglishFood Hygiene Accreditation - desirable.Benefits:Enhanced maternity/paternity/pawturnityPension: NEST Employee contributions 5% / Employer contribution 3% - salary sacrificeOther Benefits: Free parking, free electric car charging, discounted products & free hot drinks.Medicash PlanOvertimeYou are also able to choose a non-contractual flexible benefits, such as being able to purchase heavily discounted pet food. 

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