Production operative

Role Definition:We have an amazing opportunity for an Abattoir Operative role, and we are looking to welcome an enthusiastic person to join our ABP Sturminster team! ABP Sturminster has the advantage of being a small site but part of a large and reputed company. Reporting to the Production Manager you will  ensure that cattle are processed in accordance with animal welfare requirements and ABP processes where operatives are licensed to carry out this task. To ensure that carcasses are dressed and trimmed according to ABP and Customer specifications as directed by the Production Supervisor. To ensure that work is completed to production deadlines and in accordance with food safety regulations and any other legislation in force and relevant at the time.Working hours will be Monday to Friday, 6am until finish with a permanent contract. BenefitsPermanent position                            Life insurance scheme                Staff celebrations Employee Assistance Portal               Ongoing training provided          Free fruits & hot drinksMonday-Friday position                   Free onsite parking                       Discounted meat sales Service & Recognition awardsKey responsibilities:- Ensure carcasses are dressed and trimmed according to ABP and Customer specifications as directed by the Production Supervisor - Ensure work is carried out to the best of operative’s abilities to meet production deadlines - Seek training to maintain skills and remain up to date with best practice - Ensure dressing and trimming done following company procedures to produce optimum production yield while adhering to legislation and company requirements - Work as part of a team and take responsibility for own work - Carry out all procedures in a safe manner in accordance with training - Comply with company policy and procedures on safe food handling & hygiene at all times - Maintain responsibility for operational effectiveness of equipment and machinery and report faults to supervisor in a timely manner - Adhere to PPE use and requirements - General housekeeping part of the duties in the factory - Carry out any other reasonable duties assigned 

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