Production Co-ordinator, College Biofuels, Nobber, Meath

College Group was founded in 1989 and currently operates from three state-of-the-art sites; Nobber in County Meath and Monnery in County Cavan, with Newry in County Down. College Biofuels is a renewable energy company producing sustainable, environmentally friendly fuel for the transport and heating sectors. We are currently seeking to recruit an enthusiastic Production Co-ordinator to join the Biofuel's Team based in Nobber. The ideal candidate will have excellent leadership skills, with the ability to communicate and delegate effectively and work with and across multiple functions.Responsibilities:Maximise effectiveness of all operations; manage production team to achieve maximum through-put efficiency and process yields,Accountability for plant preventative maintenance and house-keeping,Problem solve to ensure process optimisation and reproducibility,Oversee day-to-day operations; oversee production schedules implementing recommendations on production flow, equipment improvements, etc,Ensure understanding and commitment is embedded in the culture of the organization; provide direction to team through SOPs and clear communication to ensure compliance with biofuels’ plant safety, environmental, and operational standards and regulations.Key Results AreasProvide 1st class Health & Safety work environment,Visionary Leadership of operations,Help people to develop to full potential,Build a great reputation for product quality & customer service. Skills  & experience:Previous experience in a manufacturing industryStrong decision-making capabilities,Ability to organize and prioritize work for timely completion,Excellent computer skills,Strong attention to detail,Excellent communication, collaboration, and delegation skills,Ability to motivate and lead people and hold employees accountable successfully.

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